The Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation seeks to create a more humane society by promoting social justice and protecting human rights.
The SBSCF will fulfil its vision by favouring adventurous grants for social innovation capable of effecting transformative change.
The SBSCF will prioritise grants where others are less active.
The SBSCF will encourage all its grantees to publicise the results of their work so that others may learn from the results, irrespective of their outcome.
Please note the Foundation undertakes its own research, in line with its current priorities, and does not accept unsolicited applications and will not acknowledge them.

The charity was created by a deed dated 16 March 1967 as a Trust exclusively for charitable purposes and was registered with the Charity Commission on 5 September 1967, Charity Registration Number 253351. The settlor and founder was the late Samuel Sebba. In recognition of the equal role that his wife Bella Sebba played in articulating philanthropic values, in April 2015, the Trust’s name was changed from the Samuel Sebba Charitable Trust to the Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Trust. The Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Trust has now transferred all its assets to a new charity known as The Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation registered under the new Charity Registration Number 1191713. This charity’s legal structure is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) and it has the same charitable objects and mission as the previous Trust.
The Sam and Bella Sebba Charitable Foundation
5 Brayford Square
E1 0SG
Email: admin@sebbafoundation.org
Please note the Foundation does not accept unsolicited applications